The Fusion of Culture, Science and Technology | Members of Chengdu Municipal CPPCC Committee from Science and Technology Sectors Visited Usunhome Group for Exchange of Information and Experience

On 18th July 2018, Lu Tiecheng, Director and Party Leadership Group Secretary of Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau, with members of Chengdu Municipal CPPCC Committee from science and technology sectors, visited Usunhome Group for exchange of information and experience. With them, Chief Expert and Party Committee Secretary Zhao Rengui and others from Usunhome had a meeting. 



In the meeting, Lu Tiecheng stated that the purpose of this visit was to know how the company was faring, to collect problems in need of solutions and to facilitate the exchange of information and experience between this New Economy enterprise and scientific research institutes on behalf of Chengdu Municipal CPPCC Committee.


“Without a rich and thriving culture, there is no national rejuvenation.” Zhao Rengui talked about the “combine asset-heavy and asset-light business models and fuse different fields” strategy of Usunhomg Group. He pointed out that the exploration of traditional culture should be blended with modern science and technology, and that while science and technology were important tools for cultural inheritance, cultural and creative industries should still uphold the principle that content is king.  



“Culture passes on the soul of a nation.” Lu Tiecheng believes that science and technology set the trends, bring new products and support cultural and creative industries. Cultural heritage is the greatest heritage; cultural creation is the greatest creation. There are two ways to enter cultural and creative industries: “Culture plus X” and “Science & Technology plus X”. Compared with the former, the latter is an asset-light model and thus easier to copy. Besides, the entrepreneurs also had heated discussions on how to blend culture, science and technology, how to marry traditional culture with contemporary expression, and so on.

所属类别: 集团新闻