Igniting the Passion of the Youth | Young Entrepreneurs Gathered by Shanghai Jieli Open Class Visited Usunhome Group

On August 18th 2018, almost 20 young entrepreneurs gathered by Shanghai Jieli Open Class visited Usunhome Group for exchange of experience and ideas. Mr. He Ping, co-founder and Vice President of Usunhome Group, and others attended the meeting. 



“Just as the waves behind drive the waves ahead in the Yangtze River, new generations outperform old ones,” said Mr. He Ping who welcomed the arrival of all the young entrepreneurs present at the meeting. He talked about how he and Mr. Qiu Wei, Chairman of Usunhome, started business together and Usunhome’s whole industrial chain strategy and practices in cultural tourism. . 



In the Q&A session, the young entrepreneurs raised many questions about the development of cultural tourism industry and overseas projects. Mr. He Ping   answered all those questions one by one, and encouraged them to “go global” actively in search of the blue ocean on condition that risks are well managed.   



Hang Jiayi, who is in charge of Jieli Media and Jieli Education, thanked Mr. He Ping for sharing his ideas. “This trip to Chengdu has been very fruitful”, he said, “We hope to promote win-win cooperation with Usunhome Group in more fields in the future.”

所属类别: 集团新闻