Xu Lejiang, Deputy Director of the Central United Front Work Department & Secretary of CPC Leadership Group of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Inspected Usunhome Group


On 13 April, 2019, a group led by Mr Xu Lejiang, inspected Usunhome Group. Mr Xu is the Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee, Vice Chairperson of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Secretary of CPC Leadership Group of the Federation. Members of the inspection group also included Chen Fang (Vice Chairperson of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chairperson of Sichuan Federation of Industry and Commerce & Vice Chairperson of Sichuan Provincial CPPCC Committee), Zhong Jialin (Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee) , Chen Quan (Associate Director of the United Front Work Department of Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee, Vice Chairperson of Sichuan Federation of Industry and Commerce and Secretary of CPC Leadership Group of the Federation), Wu Kai (Member of the Standing Committee of Chengdu Municipal CPC Committee, Director of the United Front Work Department of Chengdu Municipal CPC Committee, President of Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions), Li Banghua (Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of Chengdu Municipal CPC Committee, Vice Chairperson of Chengdu Federation of Industry and Commerce and Secretary of CPC Leadership Group of the Federation), and Jiang Ming (Deputy Governor of Wuhou District Government). The group were received and accompanied by Qiu Wei, Chairman of Usunhome Group and of Usunhome Cultural Tourism, and He Ping, co-founder and Vice Chairman of Usunhome Group and President of Usunhome Cultural Tourism. 




Mr Xu Lejiang spared no effort to get to know the progress in Usunhome’s cultural and tourism projects and their profits, the development and innovation of its products, its business development at home and abroad, its business environment and financing needs. Usunlife Space, a brand owned by Usunhome Group, specializes in developing high-value-added cultural and creative products. Having been briefed on this brand, Mr Xu thought it visionary that Usunhome gives prominence to the two ends of the “smiling curve”: product development and marketing. He suggested that Usunlife Space should strive to be a first-class cultural brand by, for instance, integrating online and offline channels.



Mr. Qiu Wei reported in detail to the inspection group on how Usunhome Group has developed over recent years. Approving highly of Usunhome’s achievements, Mr. Xu Lejiang also asked about the problems and difficulties it encounters in the development of its key projects. According to Mr. Xu, federations of industry and commerce at all levels will always back private enterprises. They are meant to facilitate the sound development of those that have core competencies and follow the state’s industrial development strategy. Mr. Xu encouraged Usunhome to keep developing across China more quality cultural and tourism projects that have both profitability and positive social impact. The latter includes helping to lift locals out of poverty or to increase their income. He also encouraged Usunhome to venture into the international market in response to the state’s Belt and Road Initiative. As the state is their most solid backer, enterprises should “go global”, reassured and confident.


所属类别: 集团新闻